About Me

I use arch btw. I don't even know 100% about what I'm doing with it but I use it anyway.

I feel so exhausted trying to finish this junk blog as a fullstack + cms project of mine and there are always last minute changes which are not last minute.

Sometimes hang around with frontend, sometimes backend, sometimes design. Everything's is so tiring that leads to beat a meat in the end.

🛠️ Personal Tools

📆 Timeline


  • Get into Golang 

    Took a bootcamp and finished gobyexample.com is a great journey to get started. Thank you stranger on internet!


  • Graduate University 🎓

    Finally get rid of those salty, unskillful, arrogant lecturers 🎉.

  • Learn Fastify

  • Get Onboard with Knowt 💼

    A post on Reddit attracted them to get me on board with them :).

  • Migrate to Arch Linux 

    Previously using Manjaro dual boot with Windows. Unfortunately Manjaro doesn't really seem to "just-work". Migrate to Arch, Love it! Arch+i3wm now and it's perfect.

  • This Blog Made

    This blog is my first fullstack web project with an additional custom made fullstack CMS. Learned many things that step up the level on how to boost performance and handle to deployment. All this things to the production level.

  • HeckarNews - Hacker News Clone

    A fullstack project just like this blog itself but with even more features implemented as a real website out there is built: handle reset password by email, search functionality within site, and many more. HeckarNews

  • 10FastFingers - Average 71 WPM 💫

  • Learn Next.js

  • Learn Nest.js

  • Contribute to Open-source שׂ

    Small salvation but worth to start. Started contributing on Vim plugin. I'm happy that most of thing I contributed is the things that I found it disturbing.

  • Boomermath Made 💣

    Made with some of the dudes. So much satisfaction doing the project. Probably a bad game for many people but the feeling on how to finish it is so so super breathtaking moment. Boomermath 💞 💖 💕


  • Interned at Cool Code as Game Developer 🎮

    Cool right? yes Cool Code. So glad that this company cater all interns so well. Having the experience in real working environment is so essential especially with contributing to the company in making their main project as well.

  • Finished freeCodeCamp - Front End Development Libraries 

  • Finished freeCodeCamp - Data Visualization 📈

  • Finished freeCodeCamp - APIs and Microservices 

  • 10FastFingers - Average 65 WPM 💫

  • First WebRTC

    CallnTol exists. One of first web project that enables Call, Send Message, & Video Call.

  • Learn Typescript ﯤ

  • Re-Learn MySQL 

  • Complete Algorithms Solving on Advent of Code


  • Get Into Web

    freeCodeCamp helps much in stepping up to the next level. College Web programming course doesn't seem relevant anymore with current modern Web. Yes, I know they will say that the most important is the technique. But still saying that can also mean it is just same with teaching adobe flash to student.

  • Finished freeCodeCamp - Responsive Web Design

  • Finished freeCodeCamp - JavaScript(ES6) Algorithms and Data Structures

  • Get Into Game Development 

  • Multithread with Java 

    Sounds trivial. But I really am learning a lot by making a multithread cafe-simulation program. It teaches so many things on how to handle one basic problem but complicated in solving. How to handle the program flow, the responsibility of each object, connection between the relational object from different thread, deadlock, and many more. The most important is the convertability of this skills to be transfered to other field such making game or even requesting data from API in Web.

  • Vim+tmux as Main Editor 💎

    When it comes to development workflow, nothing beats Vim() so far. Until the day I found tmux, both being my go to choices in making any project, even for Unity development. Combined with HHKB, I feel blessed to be alive ❤️💖.

  • 10FastFingers - Average 50 WPM 💫