Blog's Template Markdown Looks

March 2, 2021testing

Below are examples for each category of content.


h2 Section Heading

h3 Section Heading

h4 Section Heading

h5 Section Heading


A short paragraph with a link Google.

An example of a longer paragraph that will be used in your blog posts when you create your own website or blog. And add as much additional content here as you want. An example of a longer paragraph that will be used in your blog posts when you create your own website or blog. And add as much additional content here as you want.

An example of a longer paragraph that will be used in your blog posts when you create your own website or blog. And add as much additional content here as you want. An example of a longer paragraph that will be used in your blog posts when you create your own website or blog. And add as much additional content here as you want.


An unordered list:

  • A short code snippet: code snippet
  • A link inside a unordered list bullet Google

An ordered list:

  1. A short code snippet: code snippet
  2. A link inside a ordered list bullet Google

Code blocks:

body {
  text-transform: uppercase;
  margin: 0;

.body-class {
  color: black;
  background: grey;
// Set your secret key: remember to switch to your live secret key in production
// See your keys here:

const stripe = require("stripe")("sk_test_hZIksNuZZMXLLFn8q5LtPDAm00Y6r5kUg7")

(async () => {
  const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({
    amount: 1099,
    currency: "usd",
npm install react


Image alt tag


Put warnings or any information you want to stick out in this section