Did you work with Javascript before but now working with Golang and miss the idea of easily merging object by simply using spread operator or JS Object.assign
In JS we can do simply { ...oldObject, ...newObjectValue }
. We can't do that in Go but I made a util func to achieve the same idea to it
Here is the code I made to do just like what you've been craving it
import "reflect"
// ex:
// a := User { Id: 0, Name: "Yuza", Age: 20 }
// b := UserBody { Name: "Yakuza" }
// result -- a = User{ Id: 0, Name: "Yakuza", Age: 20 }
func MergeInPlaceStructWithPartialStruct(obj, partialObj interface{}) {
objValue := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
partialObjValue := reflect.ValueOf(partialObj)
for i := 0; i < objValue.NumField(); i++ {
objField := objValue.Field(i)
if !objField.CanSet() {
partialObjField := partialObjValue.FieldByName(objValue.Type().Field(i).Name)
if partialObjField.IsValid() {
Yes, it uses reflect
ffs but who does not use it when they work with Go. And here is how to use the function above
type Photo struct {
Id string
UserId string
Title string
Caption string
PhotoUrl string
type PhotoBody struct {
Title string
Caption string
PhotoUrl string
func SomeRequestHandler() {
photoData := Photo{ Id: "69", UserId: "420" }
restOfPhotoData := PhotoBody{ Title: "a sexy worm dancing", Caption: "A worm dancing after taking weed", PhotoUrl: "imgur.com" }
MergeInPlaceStructWithPartialStruct(&photoData, restOfPhotoData)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", photoData) // { Id:69 UserId:420 Title:a sexy worm dancing Caption:A worm dancing after taking weed PhotoUrl:imgur.com }