I love wrapper instead of long inline style jsx syntax. This is totally useful for me and save many line of codes, so instead of
<div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", /*...*/ }}>
I made a wrapper for it (this is called Polymorphic Component, I guess?)
import React, { ElementType, ForwardedRef, forwardRef, MutableRefObject, ReactElement } from "react";
type FlexProps<T extends React.ElementType> = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T> & {
as?: T;
children?: React.ReactNode;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
ref?: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement> | ForwardedRef<HTMLElement>;
type PolymorphicComponent = <T extends ElementType = "div">(props: FlexProps<T>) => ReactElement | null;
type PolymorphicComponentWithDisplayName = PolymorphicComponent & { displayName?: string };
export const Flex: PolymorphicComponentWithDisplayName = forwardRef(
<T extends ElementType>(props: FlexProps<T>, ref) => {
const { as, children, style, ...rest } = props;
const Element = as || "div";
return (
<Element ref={ref} style={{ display: "flex", ...style }} {...rest}>
Flex.displayName = "Flex";
What makes it even cooler is, you can pass as
to render the wrapper component as another component without losing type checking. So if you want
to render a span
instead of div
you can do so by passing as={"span"}
, or if you want it as a motion.div
then you can
and still get all motion props in the implementation.
Now, to make it even simpler, we can also wrap the mostly used flex style in a component, for example
export const FlexRowAlignCenter: PolymorphicComponentWithDisplayName = forwardRef(
<T extends ElementType>(props: FlexProps<T>, ref) => {
const { style, children, ...rest } = props;
return (
<Flex ref={ref} style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center", ...style }} {...rest}>
FlexRowAlignCenter.displayName = "FlexRowAlignCenter";
export const FlexColumn: PolymorphicComponentWithDisplayName = forwardRef(
<T extends ElementType>(props: FlexProps<T>, ref) => {
const { style, children, ...rest } = props;
return (
<Flex ref={ref} style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", ...style }} {...rest}>
FlexColumn.displayName = "FlexColumn";
Both are mostly used flex container in my usage. To apply it then simply
<FlexRowAlignCenter style={{ gap: "2rem" }}>
That's it, have fun 🐳🌊🐠